HTML5 partials with posthtml‑include
Split your HTML pages into smaller, more manageable files with PostHTML's Include plugin for Parcel.
<!-- index.html -->
<include src="partials/header.html" locals='{
"title": "Hello World"
<!-- partials/header.html -->
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
Modern ES6 JavaScript
Use modern JavaScript syntax and features like ES6 imports without the need for additional configuration.
// index.js
import helloWorld from "./scripts/helloWorld";
// scripts/helloWorld.js
const helloWorld = () => {
console.log("Hello world 👋");
export default helloWorld;
A plain ol' vanilla CSS stylesheet to get you started. Check out my Parcel HTML, SASS, and JavaScript starter template if you are interested in using the CSS pre-processor SASS. Or, have a look at the Parcel docs if you're interested in adding on another pre- or post-processor such as PostCSS, LESS, or Stylus.